10 Best Apps for Students

  •  10 Best Apps for Students

10 best apps for studants 

1 . Refme 

this app uses your phone's  camera to scan a book barcode and create a citation formated in MLA, chicago or whatever format your school uses.

2 .  Myhomework Studant Planner

platform : android/ios/windows

this app lets you track your classes, homework,tests and projects so you never forget an assignment again.

3 .  SimpleMind

platform : android/ios

 simpleMind helps you organize your thoughts and generate new ideas.

4.  Office lens

platform : android/ios/windows

office lens this app takes pictures off documents , magazines and more and converts them into editable text.

5 . Google drive 

platform : android/ios

google drive save your documents online so that your documents will be safe.

6 . oxford dictionary

platform : android/ios

this app is the mobile version of the oxford [press] oxford english dictionary.

7 . dragon dictation 

platform : ios

talk to the dragon dictation app and it will convert everything for you digitally, which ypou can send as message or save it for later.

8 . GoConqr

platform : android/ios/web

you can use the goCanqr app social learning and collaborte with friends, classmates and learners in groups.

and you can access learning resources like min maps, quizzes, flash cards and more.

9 . Evernote 

platform : android/ios/web

this app will helip you to capture a note or memo in any format.

10 . Studyblue

platform : andriod/ios

studyBlue app will help you ton upload study materials, create electronic flashcards to study and share with others. 

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